Even if you consider yourself a moving veteran, there will always be something you wish you’d have done differently when it comes down to it. The Level Realty team have prepared a guide that will help you organize everything to perfection and tick off all the items on your “to do” list in that difficult chapter called moving!
Plan the moving times and stick to them
In the beginning was the word. For “word”, read all short- and long-term things to be done. The creation of a precise moving plan is a necessary point of reference which will help you make sure that everything is going according to said plan. The scheduling of the plan, and reasonable charts that list all that needs to be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, will act as anxiety-busters, that will help you to effectively manage the stress that such a move may cause.
Ask your friends and family for help
Whether it’s to do with sorting out and packing things, cleaning or even babysitting, help from your family or friends can be invaluable, especially in case of a lightning-quick move. That’s why you should make sure your friends and family know of the move well in advance, so that they can help you when you need them to.
Draw up a realistic budget
The creation of a feasible and realistic budget is the key to a well-planned move. Of course, you shouldn't forget that it’s not enough to draw up the budget: you must also stick to it. Just in case, make sure that your budget includes the following:
Do a clear out, now!
When planning a move, you should record everything. This means that you must decide what to take with you and what to leave behind. Things you don’t use and that are crammed into the cupboards of your current house shouldn’t be crammed into the kitchen cupboards of your new place. If you don’t want to throw them away or recycle them, you can always give away your collection of unused plastic food containers or empty jam and sauce jars, or anything else that you think is taking up valuable space needlessly.
There’s a package for you
The Internet is full of packing and tidying tips. From how to fold clothes to how to distribute your things into boxes, there’s an app for everything. Of course, you will need storage bags and large boxes. Movers advise using good-quality materials for storage, packing and transport. Don’t forget that, although grocery cartons are ideal for carrying fruit and vegetables, they may let you down when they contain your best crystal glasses. In the days to come, your best friends will be boxes of sturdy carton, adhesive tape and bubble wrap, as they will be able to protect all your household items.
Get your documents in order
Use colorful folders to separate and transport all documents you need to keep. Receipts, forms, agreements, medical tests, tax and other documents don’t belong with the bedsheets and linen you inherited from your late grandmother.
Do some cleaning!
Divide cleaning per room. Your plan for moving into a clean house and for leaving your old house in the best possible condition, as you should, must include: using bleach on sanitary fixtures, getting rid of water and soap residue from the kitchen and bathroom tiles, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and, of course, cleaning windows and glass surfaces.
Get ready for moving day
D-day is going to be long and exhausting. Make sure you have enough water, coffee, fresh fruit and maybe a few light meals. They will provide you, and the people who will carry your heavy sofa, with much-needed energy.
Include children in the plan
If your moving plan includes minors, you can get them involved. Depending on their age, you can task them with various activities, so that they share the responsibilities and become part of the day’s energy and importance. If that’s not feasible, you can always ask grandma and grandad for help: they’ll know how to keep children away from the day’s madness. In any case, however, put together a rucksack with magnetic board games, drawing paraphernalia, books, and a feel-good playlist that will keep children busy, wherever they are.
Prepare an overnight bag
You can be sure that your first night in the new house will be in the company of the boxes surrounding you. This is certainly not the right time to be looking for bedtime and morning-after necessities, like:
Prepare the new layout
Taking things out of the boxes and putting them in their place is certainly the most time-consuming part of a move. Make sure that this process is as painless as possible. One way to do that is to take photos of the empty spaces of the new house, so you can decide where furniture will go before it’s delivered by the movers.
It’s only natural that, in the following days, you’ll have to spend a lot of time and energy unpacking and tidying up. The worst will be behind you, though, and you’ll already be in your new house, for a brand-new start!